So the Dewey blog took a little break there -- you noticed, didn't you? Please tell us you noticed? -- but now we're back, back, BACK; and, oh my, it's just as well, because there's so much happening in the world of commemorative days, weeks, months, etc., that is the favorite haunt of any self-respecting, deadline-abiding, inspiration-free Dewey blogger. For starters, April is School Library Media Month (sponsored by the American Association of School Librarians [AASL]); not only that, but this week is National Library Week (sponsored by the American Library Association [ALA]); not only that, but today is National Library Workers Day (sponsored by the ALA's Allied Professional Association [ALA-APA]), on which all interested parties are asked to advocate for better compensation for librarians and library support staff, in recognition of their hard work, dedication, and expertise. And if you're looking for a particular second to celebrate, why not take a moment to prepare for the end of the world, which (in the US, at least) is due to occur in the early hours of tomorrow morning. At two minutes and three seconds past one o'clock.* Works on the measurement of time go at 529.7 Horology, under 529 Chronology; works on the end of the world are in good ol' 001.9 Controversial knowledge.
* I.e., at 01:02:03, 04/05/06. Non-US citizens will have to wait about a month.
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