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11 October 2023



Hi alex
I was searching for a comprehensive classification of all human knowledge learned about sir dewey and his classification
My question is that is this classification scientific and rational
While classification of all the information and ideas (discipline, subject ,field of study)
What goes on in the mind of classifier
Does he judge all information without any presumption and baises
And judge it on the basis of logic and empirical evidence
And decide weather or not this information of field of study qualifies to be included in this classification
I read it is a general classification which encompasses entire human knowledge
That is all information including information which are not considered true
Or real in scientific sense
How do classifiers deal with it
They include it or not


Those are the ideals! But any system created and used by humans will have its biases. The best any of us can do is be aware of them and try to mitigate them. That's certainly something we're trying to do as we develop DDC, and something I recommend classifiers practice as well. A complex topic worthy of its own post!


Thanks for your reply alex
One more question
Since general classification by its definition cover entire human knowledge
And specific classification is for specific fields of study like physics etc
Ddc is general /universal
I read volumes of ddc
And it is so detailed and being revised since 1876
Melvil dewey in his dairy intended to classify all Human knowledge in print
So does ddc really cover all the relevant and important knowledge human have recorded till now
If not perfect
But nearly all the important and relevant


Yes, I believe so, although it's inherently subjective. In theory, every topic already has a place in DDC, whether or not it's explicitly mentioned. It's not always easy to find a place in practice, though, which is one reason why development on the system never ends.


Thanks for your reply

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