Well, it's the end of my time as the Editor-in-Residence here in the DDC office. Since working here, I have gained a new appreciation for the Dewey system and the daily work that goes into it. That work is hours, days, weeks, and months long in its research, solutions, and implementations. That sounds like an excessively long time for a topic, but considering that these original divisions were created in 1873, it isn’t much time at all.
I’m happy to say that all of my projects were approved by the international EPC committee. You’ll soon see new organization for autism spectrum disorder (as the umbrella term), cross dressing (in two different areas), gender dysphoria (no longer with sexual disorders), drag (for queens and kings), and style changes for the terms Black people and White people. Other topics have also been approved by the EPC, and you'll see a few more posts here on my projects in the coming weeks.
A special thinks to DDC’s Senior Editor, Alex Kyrios for his patience; Juli, Winton, and Michael (retired editors), for their insights and expertise (and Winton’s knowledge of editorial rules at the drop of a hat); Gina’s Team at OCLC headquarters for their support and recognition of this work; and to the EPC international committee for their exhibit approval and thoughtful discussions. It has been a privilege working with all of you.
Another special thanks to my husband, Patrick, who has encouraged me since our high school days, supported me in my quests, and on some days, handed me a tissue when the frustration level was high. I would not have taken this amazing opportunity if I didn't have you cheering me on all the way. Thank you.
Perhaps the largest thanks goes to those people that I know and love who will be seeing themselves represented more accurately in the library shelves. This has all been for you. Thank you.
My next stop will be just down the hall from our current office. I'll be joining the Library of Congress as a cataloger in the Benelux, France, & Italy section of the ALAWE division. Ciao!
And to our readers: Dewey is a very large system with a small team constantly editing its entries, but your help would be very appreciated. How can you help? Email with your questions, suggestions, or comments to [email protected]. This doesn’t put you on any sort of mailing list or even commits you to the proposal (although help is most appreciated), but it does help keep the DDC relevant and timely. Have an idea? Send it along! Want to be part of the process? Email Alex and he’ll have a chat about interested areas. Be an active part in the system!