Guest post by Julianne Beall
The LCSH "Food intolerance" has this scope note:
Here are entered works on difficulties digesting certain foods, which lead to physical symptoms. Works on immune responses to specific foods are entered under [Food allergy.] Works on the toxic effects of food containing naturally poisonous substances or toxic chemical residues are entered under [Food—Toxicology.]
As a subdivision of diseases of immune system, DDC has 616.975 Food and drug allergies, with notes:
Class here allergies of digestive system
Subdivisions are added for food and drug allergies together, for food allergies alone
As a subdivision of human toxicology, DDC has 615.954 Food poisons.
Where are medical works on food intolerance classed in DDC? At the September meeting, the Editorial Policy Committee reviewed and approved EPC Exhibit 142-S61.1 Food intolerance. Now in a subdivision of 616.3 Diseases of digestive system, we have added a class-here note at 616.39 Nutritional and metabolic diseases: Class here food intolerance.
Specific kinds of food intolerance are classed in appropriate subdivisions of 616.39. We have provided a new number, 616.39912 Celiac disease and other non-allergic gluten-related disorders, with the note: Subdivisions are added for celiac disease and other non-allergic gluten-related disorders together, for celiac disease alone. An example of a work that can be classed in the new number is Fast facts: Celiac disease.
We have also provided a new number 616.39982 Lactose intolerance. An example of a work that can be classed in the new number is The official patient's sourcebook on lactose intolerance.
We have relocated diet therapy that excludes a specific food or group of foods, diets to prevent a specific disease if the diets exclude a specific food or group of foods, from 615.854 Nutrition therapy to 613.268 Diets that exclude specific foods. For example, the number 613.268311 Wheat-free diet has the class-here note: Class here comprehensive works on gluten-free diet.
Works on gluten-free diets to treat celiac disease or to treat wheat allergy are both classed in 613.268311 Wheat-free diet. An example of a work classed in 613.268311 is Nutritional and analytical approaches of gluten-free diet in celiac disease.