Last week the Dewey Editorial Team took a break from classifying and number building to visit the Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History’s new Fossil Hall. In this recently renovated exhibit dinosaur fans can view over 700 fossils, dioramas, and bones - including this magnificent skeleton of a Tyrannosaurus rex and a Triceratops frozen in the middle of an attack.
While we highly suggest you explore the exhibit in person, for those of you unable to make the trip, head over to your library instead and look for dino resources under the following numbers.
Comprehensive works on dinosaurs should be classed at 567.9 Reptilia. Examples of works classed here are Dinosaurs: everything you need to know about prehistoric creatures and In the presence of dinosaurs. Have a work on a specific dinosaur that you are looking for? Search the hierarchy under 567.912-567.915 Specific dinosaurs. For example, books about Editor Violet Fox’s favorite dinosaur, the Ankylosaurus, should be classed at 567.915 Stegosauria, Ankylosauria, Ceratopsia (horned dinosaurs). An example of a work found at this number is Armed, plated, and bone-headed dinosaurs: the Ankylosaurs, Stegosaurs, and Pachycephalosaurs.
If its not the dinosaurs themselves that you’re looking to read about, but exhibits featuring dinosaurs, then 508.074 Natural history—museums is your number. This number is built using 508 Natural history + T1—074 Museums, collections, exhibits. Books classed here include Official guide to the Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History and Stuffed animals & pickled heads: the culture and evolution of natural history museums.