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01 August 2017



Hi, I'm a librarian from Brazil. Do you have the DDC 23 in portuguese? It´s possible to order from here?


How will this affect the notion of DDC edition numbers?
(For example, the ǂ2 value in a MARC 082 field.)

Lionel Villalonga


L'ASTED détient encore de nombreuses copies des 4 volumes de l'éditions DDC 23 en Français.

Vous pouvez nous rejoindre à [email protected] (514-281-5012) pour obtenir vos 4 volumes en Français.

Lionel Villalonga, Directeur général ASTED inc.

Rebecca Green

As for the question on edition numbers: for the time being, everything remains ǂ2 23. This is consistent with the fact that changes have been distributed via WebDewey in the past, while retaining the same edition number. Indeed, the print DDC 23 was just a snapshot from a certain point in time; DDC 23 has always been dynamic. Sometime in the future, however, how we designate editions/versions may change.

Sandi Jones

Hello, Filipe-- Dewey has not been translated into Portuguese. If you are interested in purchasing Dewey in English, you can access the order form at http://www.oclc.org/content/dam/oclc/forms/en/dewey-order-americas.pdf. If you are interested in another language, please let me know and I'll put you in touch with a regional rep. Current translations include French, German, Hebrew, Italian, Norwegian, Spanish, Swedish, and Vietnamese.

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