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09 June 2016


Charles Campbell

Interesting news . . .

Pine Hills just went back to the Dewey Decimal System; how do you feel about it?
I’m not sure who was happier—the staff or the patrons! The branches had been using a “bookstore model” for a few years, where books are more loosely arranged by topic, not by the official Dewey numbers and categories. The theory was that it would make browsing easier, and perhaps it did, but it made finding a specific book much harder. Dewey is a quicker and more logical way of locating items—and we have had nothing but positive responses all around.

Scott Jarzombeck, _Lauren Cardinal, a home-grown librarian_, Albany Times Union (June 2, 2016), http://blog.timesunion.com/scottj/lauren-cardinal-a-home-grown-librarian/203/.

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