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01 April 2011


Linda Divan

I've tried the link http://dewey.org/webdewey

Yesterday the first time I tried, I got into WebDewey 2.0. I tried a few minutes later, testing the link I put in an email to a colleague, and got an error message.

"HTTP Status 404 -

type Status report


description The requested resource () is not available."

I tried to day, got in successfully, but now can't go back to it.

Is this a known problem? Are we only allowed to see it once a day? Or is something else going on here?

Rehan Oberoi

i actually like the features. But i would like updates from some users. What are the drawbacks and faults. Are any reviews of it available?


Was really looking forward to this. Thank god it is finally here. The features sound awesome. Thanks for sharing.




I sure wish we could store our name/authorization numbers - typing that in every time is a huge pain.

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