Last June, we posted a discussion paper on the Dewey web site, along with some questions in a related piece on the Dewey blog, about our proposed updates to people by gender or sex. In particular, we sought advice on the provisions for transgendered and intersex people. We’ve made some adjustments to the June 2007 proposal based on suggestions received from Dewey users. Listed below are the revised developments. The entry in Table 1 —0867 is entirely new; the entry at 306.768 replaces the former entry for 306.768 Transsexuality. Changes to 306.768 are indicated by strikethroughs and underlining.
Table 1
—086 7 *Transgendered and intersex people
Including female-to-male transgendered people,
male-to-female transgendered people
Class here transsexuals [formerly —0866],
cross-dressers, transgenderists
Subdivisions are added for transgendered and
intersex people together, for transgendered people alone
*Add as instructed under —08
. . .
306.768 Transsexuality Transgenderism and intersexuality
Standard subdivisions are added for transgenderism
and intersexuality together, for transgenderism alone
Including female-to-male transgendered people,
male-to-female transgendered people, intersex people
Class here transsexuality; transgendered people
(cross-dressers, transgenderists, transsexuals)
Class practices associated with transgenderism
and intersexuality in 306.77
The Decimal Classification Editorial Policy Committee (EPC) has approved the new developments in principle, but has also requested that we seek user feedback before implementing the changes. Please either post your comments to this blog entry or direct your comments to [email protected] by February 15, 2008.
I have been following the discussion surrounding the classification of "Transgendered People" (June 15, 2007) and was interested in finding out how the Dewey editors begin creating and changing categories. Is this a response to the volume of books being written on the subject or comments and feedback from librarians and library users? Part of the interest is an echo of the comment dated June 16 2007, which asks if there needs to be existing literature before a category is created.
Is there any information available that plots this process especially in regard to the re-categorization of the "Transgendered and Intersex People" category?
Posted by: Rit Premnath | 13 January 2008 at 04:47 PM
I would have to say that transgender and intersex are two totally separate and different things. You can't say that intersex and transgender are the same thing. Transgender is more of a psychiatric and feeling based condition and intersex is more genetic and DNA based medical condition. Both of which have nothing in common with each other and are totally different from each other.
Posted by: Nick | 13 January 2008 at 07:41 PM
In the original June 2007 proposal, transgenderism and intersexuality were treated as overlapping concepts. Based on comments we received from users and further research, we have decided that transgenderism and intersexuality should not be treated as overlapping concepts. Our new proposal includes separate provisions for these concepts and the related groups of people. In the revised proposal, intersex people at T1—0867 and intersexuality / intersex people at 306.768 are said to be in “standing room” . When the literature devoted exclusively to intersexuality / intersex people reaches our threshold for the creation of a new class (see “literary warrant” at ), we will provide a specific number under T1—0867 for intersex people and under 306.768 for intersexuality / intersex people.
Posted by: Joan Mitchell | 17 January 2008 at 05:18 PM