The Vietnamese translation of DDC 14th Abridged Edition was launched August 16 at the National Library of Vietnam in Hanoi, followed by a seminar on the use of DDC in Vietnamese libraries and the launch of a new Vietnamese DDC web site. As we noted earlier, the translation is based on DDC 14 with expansions for areas of special interest in Vietnam.
The National Library of Vietnam hosted the DDC translation project and published the translation, with support from The Atlantic Philanthropies and RMIT International University Vietnam. Mr. Michael Robinson was DDC Translation Project Manager for RMIT International University Vietnam. The publication was produced with the same translation software from Pansoft that was used for the German translation of DDC 22.
Mr. Vu Van Son, editor of the Vietnamese translation, came to the Library of Congress for training and consultation in April 2004. I was privileged to work with him extensively in person and by much email. During several visits to Vietnam, I was also privileged to meet with Mr. Pham The Khang, Director of the National Library, and other National Library staff; and privileged to meet with the DDC Project Advisory Board, which includes leading librarians from around Vietnam.
Work has begun on developing a train-the-trainer program for Vietnamese librarians, with Professor Patricia Oyler, Simmons College, as training consultant.
The translation was the subject of one of the press releases issued today at the World Library and Information Congress: 72nd IFLA General Conference and Council.
Here is a photo from the celebration at the National Library of Vietnam.