Of course, everyone got it right -- the source of last week's quote was indeed Allen Kurzweil's The grand complication (Theia, 2001) and his description of Class Struggle, the parlour game we all grew up playing, right?
But we have no new teaser for you this week, because there's so much to report on from yesterday's second installment of EPC Meeting 124. We continued to talk about graphic novels, and then we talked about them some more, and actually we're still talking about them. But rest assured: when we do make a decision, we're going to nail it. We did at least decide where to class works on how to write graphic novels: in standing room at 808.06 Rhetoric of specific kinds of writing. Diane Vizine-Goetz from OCLC's Office of Research gave us a fascinating demonstration of DeweyBrowser (see our earlier blog entry here), Terminology Services, and Curiouser. As colleagues have already reported, users of DeweyBrowser have recently been given access to two new databases: a set of 2.2 million WorldCat records for the works most widely held by libraries, and the set of authority records for classes in the Abridged version of the DDC. We're currently looking into a method by which users would be able to use DeweyBrowser to suggest index terms for DDC numbers -- stay tuned for developments!
Staff members of the Library of Congress's Decimal Classification Division (pictured) hosted a coffee break so that EPC members could see Dewey Manor's engine room in all its glory, before we returned to agree upon an expansion for Terrorism at 363.325 that we'll be posting on our "New and changed entries" site before the end of the year. Giles gave a great talk on what the future holds for WebDewey and our much-loved (but elderly) Editorial Support System, and we discussed strategies for training of and communicating with DDC users. One of the things we intend to do in the latter regard is to discontinue the Dewey tips in favor of sharing advice through this blog instead.
The pictures here show EPC enjoying a little 641.812 and a couple of editors reacting with some consternation to a Queso de Tupí a few short hours after updating the development for the Tupí at T5—9838.