Last week we held a virtual retirement celebration for Michael Cantlon, who retired September 30, 2020, after 41 years of service as a Dewey classifier at the Library of Congress. His colleagues in the Dewey Program contributed slides and pictures to a PowerPoint presentation expressing their appreciation and best wishes for a happy retirement. One classifier, Cat Eiche, contributed to the presentation by raiding the Dewey archives for pictures of Dewey staff that included Michael before his hair turned gray—and other items that amused her, like a list of office equipment that included a Zenith 100 microcomputer (on which we first tried editing DDC on a computer) and a Diablo 630 printer.
Michael's primary areas of expertise were DDC 100s and 200s, but he also classified and trained classifiers in the 400s, 700s, 800s, and 900s. His colleagues expressed appreciation for the deep knowledge of the DDC that he shared.
Michael made many contributions to Dewey editorial work over the years, but mostly behind the scenes, making proposals and giving guidance directly to the editors. However, for DDC 20 and 21, he did much editorial work on the 200s and on the separate 200 Religion Class publications reprinted from those editions with expanded indexing. For the latter, see:
Editorial Policy Committee meeting 142B wrapped up at the end of July, with six proposals considered and approved. One of those proposals was on the topic of witchcraft, a frequentlycritiquedtopic in the DDC, so I wanted to take this opportunity to elaborate on the changes approved, now available in WebDewey.
There are three primary areas where books about modern Western witchcraft are classed:
133.43 Magic and witchcraft and 133.44 Spells, curses, charms
203.3 Witchcraft
299.94 Religions based on modern revivals of witchcraft [caption prior to revision]
The most prominent complaint about the treatment of witchcraft was that most works were ending up in the 133.4 hierarchy, a class focused on occultism. This was especially a problem with works about spells and charms—since the 130s were the only area that had an explicit place for spells, nearly all works about spells were being classed there, even if they had titles naming a religious practice, such as The only book of Wiccan spells you'll ever need. The Manual note 130 vs. 200 directed catalogers to use the 200s for religious works, but then went on to tell catalogers to prefer the 130s if they weren't sure if a work was religious or not; since there is still a significant cultural stigma surrounding witchcraft in many areas, this meant catalogers were not recognizing when these works should be classed in the 200s. How could we revise the DDC to direct attention to the fact that a significant number of these works are religious/spiritually based, and thus should be classed in the 200s?
The proposal text has more information about the multiple approaches I considered, in consultation with people who practice various forms of witchcraft and Paganism (you can view the full 8-page proposal). The final proposal which was approved has a mix of new numbers, new notes, and new manual instructions to help classifiers find the best place for these works.
New numbers include 203.32 Spells, curses, charms for works that are not based in a specific cultural tradition of witchcraft, and 299.942 Wicca. With the add instructions given at 299.942, numbers can now be built for works about Wicca spells (299.942332) and, for example, therapeutic Wicca spells (299.9423326). (This new spells number can also be used with other religions with "Add as instructed under 290" notation, such as Santería.)
A new note at 203.3 Witchcraft helps clarify what should not be classed in that number. This note, what we call a scatter class-elsewhere, now reads "Class specific cultural traditions of witchcraft with the tradition, e.g., witchcraft as practiced in African religions in 299.6133, religions based on modern revivals of witchcraft in the Western world in 299.94". So what should be classed at 203.3? A new class-here note reads "Class here interdisciplinary works on witchcraft". Works about comparative studies of witchcraft should be classed in 203.3 when they don't focus on a specific cultural tradition.
Finally, what I consider the most significant change: instead of a manual note that directs catalogers to place works in the 130s if in doubt, the manual note, now renamed 200 vs. 130, directs catalogers who are not sure if a work is religious/spiritual to prefer a number in the 200s. This helps ensure that even when catalogers are not as familiar with witchcraft as they are more widely practiced religions, they should take time to discern where a specific work should be classed and not default to the 130s. My hope is these changes, taken together, result in more appropriate placement of works about witchcraft, and more of those works being classed in the 200s.
Thank you to everyone who gave feedback on this proposal, including Jane Cothron (Lincoln County Library District), Helen Imre (Franklin Township Public Library), and Rebecca DeLio (Denver Public Library), as well as others, including both witchcraft practitioners and library workers. Their feedback was incredibly helpful in making these revisions happen.
On June 12–13, Meeting 140 of the Dewey Decimal Classification (DDC) Editorial Policy Committee (EPC) was held at the Library of Congress (LC) in Washington, DC. When we meet at LC, Dewey classifiers at the Library have the opportunity to attend and to observe EPC deliberations. But this year’s meeting was also marked by the number of persons we usually expect to see, but who were unable to attend, which included EPC members Gert de Jager and Paula van Strien, OCLC Research Scientist Diane Vizine-Goetz, and Karl E. Debus-López, Chief of the U.S. Programs, Law, and Literature Division in which the CIP and Dewey Section at the Library of Congress resides. And while on the subject of who was there and who wasn’t, we note with regret that this was the last face-to-face EPC meeting for Andrea Kappler, who will be completing 12 years of service on EPC at the end of this year. Thank you, Andrea!
The EPC Regulations for the Conduct of Committee Business (a.k.a. the bylaws) have been updated; the biggest change is that the bylaws now call for EPC to include a representative from the European Dewey Users Group (EDUG). (Update: Elise Conradi, Dewey Project Manager at the National Library of Norway, was elected to represent EDUG on EPC, beginning in January 2018.) In other business, Michele Zwierski was elected as EPC Vice-Chair for 2018–19.
We are making a change in our terminology to distinguish between the provision and elimination of numbers, on the one hand, and the movement of topics between numbers, on the other hand. Going forward, we will use "authorization" for the approval of a new number and "deprecation" for the withdrawal of approval from an existing number. When speaking of the movement of topics, we will use "relocation" and "discontinuation" in their current senses, but will introduce a new term, "continuation." Thus, we will use "discontinuation" and "continuation" for the movement of topics to a new location in the upward or downward hierarchy, respectively, of the old location, and will use "relocation" for the movement of topics that end up outside the hierarchy of the old location. This change in terminology will go into effect as we enter approved changes from EPC 140. We will soon be posting relevant changes to the Glossary and Introduction.
The main business of EPC is the review of proposals for changes to the tables and schedules of the DDC. EPC 140 exhibits included proposals that will result in the following:
T1—0286 Green technology (Environmental technology) can appropriately be used for sustainability if the focus is on technology. Many works about sustainability, however, emphasize social aspects; 304.2 Human ecology Is being designated as the interdisciplinary number for sustainability.
Revisions under 323.3 Civil and political rights of other social groups and 649.1 Child rearing will be done as a part of a continuing project to regularize use of T1—08 Groups of people.
To match geographic reality, both Gaza Strip and West Bank are being relocated to subdivisions of T2—5694 Palestine; Israel.
Subdivisions are being authorized under T6—965 Nilo-Saharan languages, the last major group of African languages not previously subdivided in DDC. Since subdivisions of T5—965 Peoples who speak, or whose ancestors spoke, Nilo-Saharan languages are defined by instructions to add notation from T6—965 Nilo-Saharan languages, the development in Table 6 will be mirrored in Table 5.
Within 004–006 Computer science, clarifying notes are being added to several classes under 005.7. Literary warrant justifies expansions for a variety of topics under 004.6 and under 006.3.
Several subdivisions of 158.1 Personal improvement and analysis (all methods of personal improvement) were approved.
A vague caption, U.S.-centric bias, and a desire to eliminate an anomaly in how controversies on a topic are treated motivated a proposal to remove the development at 363.4 Controversies related to public morals and customs. Most of the topics have interdisciplinary numbers elsewhere, but relocations are required for topics where the number for interdisciplinary works have been at 363.4 numbers.
EPC approved an expansion under 364.67 Corporal punishment for torture, along with provisions for the topic in other disciplines, such as military intelligence and police services.
A new span is being developed at 613.71481-613.71486 for fitness exercises derived from specific combat sports, with an add instruction for the specific sport.
Because the number-building engine cannot interpret instructions under 930-990:01-09 to add appropriate historical period numbers, entries for localities of many countries will be added, each with an internal add table specifying where the appropriate historical period numbers are found. These developments also permit simplifying the add instructions under 324.91–324.99 and 330.93–330.99 so they can take advantage of the new entries.
Provision is being made for early history time periods (the Hallstatt and La Tène periods) for countries in central and western Europe.
The implementation of these changes in WebDewey will generally be accompanied by blog posts. Keep your eyes open!
Other EPC exhibits take the form of discussion papers; rather than requesting EPC approval for specific changes, such exhibits explore options for future proposals. EPC 140 included discussion papers on the following topics:
Adopting a narrower sense of "computer programming" and then replacing the current distinction at 005.1 and 005.3 between programming and programs with a distinction between software development and software.
Developing a notation to accompany the optional alternative arrangement in the 200s; this notation would be in a one-to-one relationship with the notation of the standard arrangement.
Providing Table 2 notation for indigenous nations by adding Table 5 notation for the indigenous people to Table 2 notation for the continent plus T1—04. Other features explored in the discussion paper are options under both (a) 305.81–305.89 Specific ethnic and national groups and (b) 930–990:00404 Indigenous nations to add notation 001–999, so that all literature about a specific indigenous group can be collocated.
In October 2012 the LCSH "Voodooism" gave way to "Vodou," the spelling most
commonly used by Haitians for the traditional religion of their country. The
DDC has likewise adopted this spelling.
At the same time, we are making clearer the split between vodou, the
Haitian traditional religion, and hoodoo, an occult practice found primarily in
the southern United States. Vodou
belongs in 299.675 Vodou; hoodoo
belongs in 133.4 Demonology and
Example 2. Haitian vodou:an
introduction to Haiti's indigenous spiritual traditions, to which
the Library of Congress subject headings, "Vodou—Haiti," "Haiti--Religious
life and customs," and “Haiti--Religion” have been assigned, is about
Vodou and should be classed in 299.675097294 Vodou in Haiti (built from 299.675 Vodou, plus T1—09,
plus T2—7294 Haiti, following the
instructions at T1—093-099 Specific
continents, countries, localities; extraterrestrial worlds).
Unfortunately, our "clear split" isn't always clear in the literature, as
many people have used the term "voodoo" when they are referring to hoodoo. This is why we have added an example to the
Manual note at 130 vs. 200, part of which now reads, "Use 130 for parapsychological and occult
phenomena if they are not presented as religious, or if there is doubt as to
whether they have been so presented, e.g., works on hoodoo in 133.4 even if the
term "voodoo" has been applied (not
299.675 Vodou)."
An example of this type of literature is Voodoo sorcery grimoire.
Although it uses "voodoo" in the title, the work is about hoodoo and
should be classed in 133.4. (It doesn’t
help the classifier that both the old "Voodooism" and "Hoodoo (Cult)" were
assigned as LCSHs to the work.)
How can the classifier make the correct choice? Often there will be clues in the
bibliographic record. On the one hand,
the presence of "Haiti" and "religion" should move the classifier toward
299.675, as should "Bondye" and "loa," deities in Vodou. On the other hand, presence of the following
terms should move the classifier toward 133.4: "conjure," "grimoire," "magic," "mojo," "rootwork," "sorcery," "spells,"
and "witchcraft."
5.7 of the DDC Introduction addresses how to classify a work that includes more
than one subject in the same discipline:
5.7 A
work may include multiple subjects treated separately or in relation to one
another from the viewpoint of a single discipline. Use the following guidelines
in determining the best placement for the work:
(A) Class
a work dealing with interrelated subjects with the subject that is being acted upon.
This is called the rule of application, and takes precedence over any
other rule. For instance, class an analytical work dealing with Shakespeare's influence
on Keats with Keats. Similarly, class a work on the influence of the Great Depression
on 20th century American art with American art.
Here is introduced the rule of
application, a rule that guides the classifier in classifying a work on
interrelated subjects in which one subject can be said to act upon the
other. The rule states that such a work
should be classed with the subject acted upon.
(The characterization of the rule of application in the Glossary—"The rule instructing that works about the application of one subject to a
second subject or the influence of one subject on another subject are
classified with the second subject"—indicates
that the single discipline context in which the rule of application is presented
in the Introduction is not defining/restrictive.) The Introduction also makes clear that, if
multiple rules apply to the classification of a work and one of those rules is
the rule of application, it "trumps" (takes precedence over) all other rules. (In fact, the pre-eminence of the rule of
application is the motivation for starting our review of the rules here.)
The rule of application is also
mentioned in section 8.12 of the Introduction, where we learn that the table of
preference at the beginning of Table 1 is overruled by ("yields to") the rule
of application. For example, "by the
rule of application, teaching financial management in hospital administration
is classed in 362.110681, not 362.11071, even though notation 07 is above
notation 068 in the table of preference."
We have three subjects here:
hospitals, financial management, and teaching. Teaching is applied to financial management,
while financial management is applied to hospitals, financial management constituting
one aspect of hospital administration.
Since hospitals are the core subject acted upon, we start with 362.11 Hospitals and related institutions. We then add standard subdivision T1—0681 Organization and financial
management because this is the subject element that acts upon hospitals.
Perhaps the most common applications
of the rule of application concern the philosophy of a subject or the history
of a subject. Such works are classed in
the subject, with standard subdivisions T1—01 Philosophy and theory or T1—09 History, geographic treatment, biography added to express
philosophy or history, respectively. Thus
we have 109 for the history of philosophy and 901 for the philosophy of history. (Imagine if the rule of application were
reversed and the philosophy of all subjects was to be classed in the 100s and
the history of all subjects in the 900s!)
Given the rule of application:
on Shakespeare's influence on Keats are classed in the number for Keats (821.7 English poetry—1800–1837) rather
than in the number for Shakespeare (822.33
William Shakespeare under 822.3
Drama of Elizabethan period, 1558–1625).
on the use of data mining to support business decisions are classed within
business, in a subdivision of 658.4038
Information management ("Class here gathering of information by management
or use in managerial decision making; information resources, knowledge
management") rather than in 006.312 Data
mining, its interdisciplinary home within computer science. The specific number for data mining to support business decisions is 658.403802856312, built with the base number 658.4038, plus T1—0285 Computer applications, plus the
numbers following 00 in 006.312, following the add instruction at T1—0285.
on the chemistry of hydrocarbon combustion are classed in the number for
hydrocarbons (547.01 Hydrocarbons)
rather than in the number for combustion (541.361
Combustion). Numbers for specific
kinds of compounds identified by component elements allow for addition from the
internal add table under 547, where we find 0453–0458 Specific topics of physical chemistry and the add
instruction to add to 045 the numbers following 541.3 in 541.33–541.38. The specific number for the chemistry of hydrocarbon combustion
therefore is 547.0104561.
on the fractography of glass are classed in the materials science number for
glass (620.144 Glass) rather than in
the number for fractography (620.1126
Resistance to fracture (Fracture mechanics)). Numbers for specific kinds of materials allow
for addition from the internal add table under 620.16–620.19, where we find 1–9 Specific properties and nondestructive
testing and the add instruction to add the numbers following 620.112 in
620.1121–620.1129. The specific number
for fractography of glass therefore
is 620.1446.
on obedience training for retrievers are classed in the number for retrievers (636.7527 Retrievers) rather than in the
number for obedience training (636.0887
Pets ["Class here obedience training").
Numbers for specific breeds of dogs allow for addition of notation from
the internal add table under 636.1–636.8, where we find 35 Training. The specific
number for obedience training for retrievers
therefore is 636.752735. (The decision to class obedience training for
retrievers with retrievers rather than with obedience training is reinforced by
the rule of zero, which we will look at later.)
is not by accident or mere coincidence in the final three examples that
provision has been made for building numbers that express the complex subject
we were interested in representing.
These reflect a pattern common throughout the DDC in which the rule of
application has, in effect, been built into the DDC. A follow-up post will give further examples
of where the rule of application is woven into the schedules.
200 Religion Class, the last publication in the Dewey print-edition trilogy that began in 2011 (the other two are DDC 23 and Abridged Edition 15), is now available. 200 Religion Class includes an updated version of the 200 Religion schedule and the Manual notes for 200 Religion, an updated and extended index to 200 Religion, and the 170 Ethics schedule. The updates are also available in WebDewey. Ordering information for the three print editions plus WebDewey is available here.
In DDC 23, we updated the provisions for the Orthodox Church, initiated updates for Islam, and introduced several changes elsewhere in 200 Religion. 200 Religion Class contains those changes, plus additional updates for Islam and a number of minor updates elsewhere in 200 that were not ready for publication in the print DDC 23. (My colleague Juli Beall will describe the changes to Islam in detail in an upcoming blog entry.)
Another exciting feature of 200 Religion Class is an optional arrangement for the Bible and specific religions based on a chronological/regional view. For some time now, we have been exploring the development of an alternative view of 200 Religion to reduce Christian bias in the standard notational sequence for the Bible and specific religions. In cooperation with Ia C. McIlwaine (University College London, and the former editor in chief of the Universal Decimal Classification [UDC]) we have prepared a chronological/regional view of the Bible and specific religions based on a similar development introduced in the UDC in 2000. The new optional arrangement appears in appendix A of the print version of 200 Religion Class, and in a new Manual note at 220-290 Optional arrangement for the Bible and specific religions in WebDewey. A virtual browser based on the new optional arrangement and linked to Dewey-classified resources in will be available on the Dewey web site in mid-2012.
These days when we speak of being mesmerized by something, we may not realize we are referencing the theories and practices of Franz Anton Mesmer (1734-1815), a German physician. (While being mesmerized is eponymous, most of its synonyms are metaphorical: if we are captivated or enthralled by something, we are a slave to it; if we are spellbound by it, it has cast a spell over us.) Believing that illness was the result of a misalignment of magnetic forces in the human body, Mesmer initially engaged in curing his patients by giving them high doses of iron and then passing magnets over their bodies. When Mesmer came to realize that the success of his treatments arose from his own magnetic force, the magnets were discarded, with treatment involving Mesmer’s passing his empty hands above a patient’s body. Mesmer must have been a very convincing physician with malleable patients; apparently he managed to put his patients into a trance-like state, from which they emerged improved—at least often enough. Although Mesmer was discredited by the medical communities of Vienna and Paris, mesmerism and/or “animal magnetism” (the term used by Mesmer) gained in popularity in Germany, Russia, England, America, and elsewhere. (For greater detail / some of “the rest of the story,” see these accounts: [1][2][3].)
Over time, mesmerism has lost some of the strength of its connection with Mesmer and animal magnetism. The word is now roughly synonymous with hypnosis, as reflected in Mesmerism being given as a Relative Index term at 154.7 Hypnotism. (DDC 20 included a discontinuation of works on mesmerism from 154.72 Animal magnetism to 154.7 Hypnotism.) When classifying works that use the term mesmerism, one should be careful to discern whether it is meant in its historical sense, specific to Franz Anton Mesmer and animal magnetism, or in its more contemporaneous and general sense.
Two see references at 154.7 are also relevant to us: one tells us that psychic aspects of hypnotism are classed in 133.89 [Psychic phenomena] Animal magnetism, hypnosis, extrasensory perception of animals, aura; the other tells us that medical applications of hypnotism are classed in 615.8512 [Psychological and activity therapies] Hypnotherapy. Consequently, Manuel de magnétisme: petit manuel de magnétisme et médecine homéopathique[Handbook of magnetism: small handbook of magnetism and homeopathic medicine] is classed in 615.8512.
And what about the comprehensive biography number for Mesmer? It is easy to read about Mesmer’s theories and consider him a bit of a charlatan, but this is unfair. Even if his explanations now strike us as misguided, his curative successes were apparently real. That is, as a theorist, we might consider his most noted contributions to be a better fit in 133.89 than in 615.8512, but as a practitioner, he’s a good fit in 615.8512. The Manual at T1—092 Biography instructs us: “If the person made approximately equal contributions to a number of fields, use the number for the subject that provides the best common denominator, giving some extra consideration to the person’s occupation.” Giving extra consideration to Mesmer’s occupation as a physician, the comprehensive biography for him is 615.8512092Hypnotherapy—Biography, where a work like Franz Anton Mesmer (1734-1815): kwakzalver of ontdekker van 'het onbewuste'? [quack or discoverer of the unconscious] should be classed.
In DDC 23 there is a new add table at 155 Differential and developmental psychology; it is applied to numbers for groups of people (e.g., people of specific ages) and allows expression of topics of psychology in connection with those groups. In some cases the resulting built numbers were available previously by means of different add instructions (e.g., emotions in children), but in many cases the add table provisions are expansions (e.g., applied psychology and teenagers).
The table of preference at 150 Psychology limits what topics can be provided in the add table at 155 Differential and developmental psychology; for topics outside of 155, only topics from the numbers below 155 in the table of preference are provided in the add table. Here is part of the table of preference at 150 Psychology:
Conscious mental processes and intelligence 153 (except 153.94)
Applied psychology 158
The table of preference at 155 (which appears immediately after the add table) limits application of add table notation for topics in 155 with respect to groups low in the table of preference. Here is the table of preference at 155 Differential and developmental psychology:
Influence of specific situations 155.93
Psychology of specific ages 155.4–155.6
Ethnopsychology and national psychology 155.8
Evolutionary psychology 155.7
Environmental psychology 155.9 (except 155.93)
Sex psychology; psychology of people by gender or sex, by sexual orientation 155.3
Individual psychology 155.2
Because 155.4–155.6 Psychology of specific ages is very high in the table of preference, all the provisions in the add table at 155 can be used where appropriate for works about people of specific ages. Because 155.3 Sex psychology; psychology of people by gender or sex, by sexual orientation is low in the table of preference at 155, the add notes for numbers beginning with 155.3 come with limitations: “Add as instructed under 155, except class evolutionary psychology in 155.7, ethnopsychology and national psychology in 155.8, environmental psychology in 155.9.”
Top 20 Teens treats success in the context of applied psychology, not business. In DDC 23 the work is classed in 155.519 Applied psychology for young people twelve to twenty, built with 155.51 General topics of psychology of young people twelve to twenty plus 9 Applied psychology from the add table at 155, following add instructions at 155.512–155.519 Sensory perception, movement, emotions, physiological drives; conscious mental processes and intelligence; individual, evolutionary, environmental, applied psychology.
The entry 155.2 Individual psychology has the class-elsewhere note "Class application of individual psychology in general and application of broad, vaguely defined topics of individual psychology with the application in 158, e.g., personal improvement through self-actualization 158.1, improved interpersonal relations through self-esteem 158.2. " A similar note is found in the add table at 155 under 82 Individual psychology: "Class application of individual psychology in general and application of broad, vaguely defined topics of individual psychology with the application in 9, e.g., personal improvement through self-actualization 91, improved interpersonal relations through self-esteem 92. " In DDC 23 Living Your Unlived Life is classed in 155.6691 Personal improvement and analysis for people in middle adulthood, built with 155.66 People in middle adulthood plus 9 Applied psychology from the add table at 155 plus 1 from 158.1 Personal improvement and analysis, following the footnote add instruction at 155.66 and the instructions in the add table at 155.
Recently National Public Radio (NPR) ran a story entitled “Siblings Share Genes, But Rarely Personalities.” The story begins with an example of brothers who are very different, then goes on to consider research about siblings. “. . . in terms of personality, we are similar to our siblings only about 20 percent of the time. Given the fact that we share genes, homes, routines and parents, this makes no sense. What makes children in the same family so different?” The tentative answers involve several kinds of influence of family environment. For example, in the case of the two brothers with which the story begins, “When their father died, Tom was 17 and heading off to college — but Eric was only 12. So, in a sense, they grew up in different homes. Tom, the radical, grew up in a secure, two-parent home. But Eric the financial planner, as Tom points out, spent many years as the only man in a house destabilized both emotionally and financially by death.”
The interdisciplinary number for siblings is 306.875 Sibling relationships (there is even a subdivision 306.8752 Brother-brother relationship), and the interdisciplinary number for families is 306.85 Family, while the interdisciplinary number for personality is 155.2 Individual psychology. The following is relevant (from the Manual):
302–307 vs. 150 . . . Social psychology vs. Psychology
Use 302–307 for works that focus on group behavior, including those that discuss the role of the individual in group behavior. Use 150 for works that focus on the individual, including those that discuss the influence of group behavior on the individual. If in doubt, prefer 302–307.
If we have a work that focuses on the personality of the individual, as the NPR story does, then we are looking for a subdivision of 150 Psychology. The entry 155.2 Individual psychology has the class-here note “Class here . . . character, identity, individuality, personality.” Among the subdivisions is 155.23 Traits and determinants of character and personality. A subdivision of that, 155.234 Determinants, has the class-here note “Class here environment versus heredity as determinants” and the see reference “For environmental determinants, see 155.9.” An example of a work classed in 155.234 is The Temperamental Thread: How Genes, Culture, Time and Luck Make Us Who We Are. Its LCSH include “Temperament,” “Personality—Genetic aspects,” “Personality and culture,” “Individual differences,” “Nature and nurture,” “Personality—Social aspects,” and “Personality development.”
Works that focus on environmental determinants, as the see-reference at 155.234 indicates, are classed in 155.9 Environmental psychology. Also, in the table of preference under 155 Differential and developmental psychology, 155.9 Environmental psychology is higher than 155.2 Individual psychology. Works on psychological influence of families, of siblings, are classed in 155.924 Influence of family members (built with 155.92 Influence of social environment plus 4 from 158.24 Interpersonal relations with family members). An example of a work classed in 155.924 is Born to Rebel: Birth Order, Family Dynamics, and Creative Lives. Its LCSH include “Birth order,” “Brothers and sisters,” “Individual differences,” “Personality development—Social aspects.” Another example is The Birth Order Book: Why You Are the Way You Are.
What about the Relative Index entries pointing to subdivisions of 155.4 Child psychology? They are used for works that focus on children. In the table of preference under 155 Differential and developmental psychology, 155.4–155.6 Psychology of specific ages is higher than either 155.9 Environmental psychology or 155.2 Individual psychology. Subdivisions of 155.4, however, are not used for works that cover a whole life.
The FIFA World Cup came to an end on Sunday with Spain’s victory over the Netherlands in a very physical and hard-fought final game. After four weeks of constant football excitement – as much as three matches a day in the first round! – suddenly, millions of football (or soccer, fútbol, Fußball, calcio, ...) fans are finding themselves with a lot of free time on their hands. So what could be better than to use this time to look back at some of the more colorful “side events” that seem to accompany every World Cup and make it unique?
The biggest star that has emerged over the duration of the tournament (judging by the way it has captured media attention and the world’s imagination) is Paul, the clairvoyant octopus, who seemingly had several of his eight arms in everything. German TV stations interrupted their regular programming to broadcast live from Oberhausen’s Sealife aquarium, where Paul correctly predicted the outcome of every game Germany played in the tournament plus Spain as the winner in the final. After being presented by two clear containers, each adorned with national flags, he “made” his prediction by grabbing a mussel from one of the containers.
It’s not always nice to have such a good track record, however. After predicting Argentina’s defeat in the quarter final, “the oracle of Oberhausen” reportedly received death threats (in the form of octopus recipes). German fans were very upset when he predicted Spain’s win over Germany in the semi-final and even accused him of jinxing the “Mannschaft.” This went as far as Spain offering him asylum “so the Germans don’t eat him.” The Dutch were not amused, either. So it is probably a good thing that it has been announced that Paul is going to retire; at the ripe age of 2 1/2 years, he really is a pensioner in octopus years.
Paul was not the only animal around the world that was used as an oracle for World Cup games (another one was Mani, the Singaporean parakeet); after all, if you only “ask” enough of them, one is statistically bound to get it right. Even more about them can be found in 133.89 Animal magnetism, hypnosis, extrasensory perception of animals, aura, where animals with “psychic powers” are classed.
Another topic that was on everyone’s mind (and in everyone’s ears) was the vuvuzela, a plastic blowing horn that was a ubiquitous accessory at this years’ World Cup. Some found it an insufferable noise-maker (with a sound pressure of around 120 dB at close range) that drowned out the stadium atmosphere even on TV; others said it is an integral part of a South African football experience. Because vuvuzelas technically only produce one note, a B-flat at a frequency of about 230 Hz, the sound can be (and was) filtered out to some degree by broadcasters. But for those who couldn’t get enough, Youtube added a “vuvuzela button” to its video player! Some, like these musicians at the Konzerthaus Berlin, took it even more seriously than others, and were able to unearth and perform the little-known vuvuzela solo that Maurice Ravel wrote for his “Boléro.”
Works about vuvuzelas are classed at 788.99 Other brass instruments, where vuvuzelas as instruments are implicitly in standing room. (Even though they are not made of metal, they qualify for inclusion under 788.9 because they are lip-reed instruments.)
Finally, an old classic came up as topic for controversy once again: the ball itself. As the official match balls for the 1970 World Cup, Adidas created what would become the perhaps most iconic ball of all: the Telstar with its familiar 12 black pentagons and 20 white hexagons. Geometrically, such a ball represents a truncated icosahedron, and, as such, is not perfectly round. Recently, manufacturers have embarked on a quest to construct a “rounder” ball with fewer seams, which should perform more consistently regardless where it is hit. While the 2006 World Cup saw the Adidas Teamgeist made out of 14 curved panels, the construction of this year’s Jabulani has been further reduced to eight spherically-molded panels.
While many players seem to like it, it has gotten a lot of criticism. Some players have called it a “supermarket ball” or a “beach ball.” Even NASA has weighed in with an opinion on the aerodynamics of the Jabulani!
Works about the construction and performance of soccer balls are classed at 688.76334, built with 688.76 Equipment for outdoor sports and games plus 334 [from 796.334 Soccer (Association football)]. Since balls do not approximate the whole of equipment for association football, standard subdivisions may not be added; thus another hotly debated topic like the integration of computer chips into the ball to determine automatically when it has passed the goal line is also classed in 688.76334, not in 688.763340285.
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