In DDC 23 there is a new add table at 155 Differential and developmental psychology; it is applied to numbers for groups of people (e.g., people of specific ages) and allows expression of topics of psychology in connection with those groups. In some cases the resulting built numbers were available previously by means of different add instructions (e.g., emotions in children), but in many cases the add table provisions are expansions (e.g., applied psychology and teenagers).
Here is an outline of the add table:
155 Differential and developmental psychology
2 Sensory perception, movement, emotions, psychological drives
. . .
3 Conscious mental processes and intelligence
. . .
8 Individual, evolutionary, environmental psychology
. . .
9 Applied psychology
. . .
The table of preference at 150 Psychology limits what topics can be provided in the add table at 155 Differential and developmental psychology; for topics outside of 155, only topics from the numbers below 155 in the table of preference are provided in the add table. Here is part of the table of preference at 150 Psychology:
Aptitude tests 153.94
. . .
Differential and developmental psychology 155
Sensory perception, movement, emotions, physiological drives 152
Conscious mental processes and intelligence 153 (except 153.94)
Applied psychology 158
The table of preference at 155 (which appears immediately after the add table) limits application of add table notation for topics in 155 with respect to groups low in the table of preference. Here is the table of preference at 155 Differential and developmental psychology:
Influence of specific situations 155.93
Psychology of specific ages 155.4–155.6
Ethnopsychology and national psychology 155.8
Evolutionary psychology 155.7
Environmental psychology 155.9 (except 155.93)
Sex psychology; psychology of people by gender or sex,
by sexual orientation 155.3
Individual psychology 155.2
Because 155.4–155.6 Psychology of specific ages is very high in the table of preference, all the provisions in the add table at 155 can be used where appropriate for works about people of specific ages. Because 155.3 Sex psychology; psychology of people by gender or sex, by sexual orientation is low in the table of preference at 155, the add notes for numbers beginning with 155.3 come with limitations: “Add as instructed under 155, except class evolutionary psychology in 155.7, ethnopsychology and national psychology in 155.8, environmental psychology in 155.9.”
An example of a work for which the new add table at 155 can be used is Top 20 Teens: Discovering the Best-Kept Thinking, Learning & Communicating Secrets of Successful Teenagers. The work has the LCSH Success in adolescence, Teenagers—Conduct of life, Teenagers—Life skills guides, and Self-realization. Browsing the Relative Index for "success" yields:
Success 650.1
Success—applied psychology 158
Success—applied psychology—children 155.419
. . .
Success—business 650.1
Top 20 Teens treats success in the context of applied psychology, not business. In DDC 23 the work is classed in 155.519 Applied psychology for young people twelve to twenty, built with 155.51 General topics of psychology of young people twelve to twenty plus 9 Applied psychology from the add table at 155, following add instructions at 155.512–155.519 Sensory perception, movement, emotions, physiological drives; conscious mental processes and intelligence; individual, evolutionary, environmental, applied psychology.
Another example of a work for which the new add table at 155 can be used is Living Your Unlived Life: Coping with Unrealized Dreams and Fulfilling Your Purpose in the Second Half of Life. The work has the LCSH Self-actualization (Psychology) in middle age, Middle age—Psychology, and Life. Browsing the Relative Index for "self-actualization" yields:
Self-actualization 155.2
Self-actualization—applied psychology 158.1
The entry 155.2 Individual psychology has the class-elsewhere note "Class application of individual psychology in general and application of broad, vaguely defined topics of individual psychology with the application in 158, e.g., personal improvement through self-actualization 158.1, improved interpersonal relations through self-esteem 158.2. " A similar note is found in the add table at 155 under 82 Individual psychology: "Class application of individual psychology in general and application of broad, vaguely defined topics of individual psychology with the application in 9, e.g., personal improvement through self-actualization 91, improved interpersonal relations through self-esteem 92. " In DDC 23 Living Your Unlived Life is classed in 155.6691 Personal improvement and analysis for people in middle adulthood, built with 155.66 People in middle adulthood plus 9 Applied psychology from the add table at 155 plus 1 from 158.1 Personal improvement and analysis, following the footnote add instruction at 155.66 and the instructions in the add table at 155.
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